The Truth Series
Why The Truth Series?
The Truth Series came about from heartache: the loss of a loved one, the narrative and trial treatments given, and a grief so real it permeates every fibre of your being. The Truth Series began simply to tell the truth about cancer and modern medicine, and provide a lens to approach healing which does not bow to popular discourse and the new trial medications; instead to be empowered by choice and, most importantly, learning to stand in and obey the Truth.
The Truth Series is about unwavering hope. Yes, the topics may be controversial (the lens through which it is written even more so) but each book provides a context to challenge the current narrative and provide real life examples and practical tools and exercises to help readers connect with a higher purpose, a bigger story, a greater truth that can change your life.
The Truth About High School: An Applied Philosophy for Life
The first book in the Series, “The Truth About High School” is available from June 2024. It is written for teenagers and those who interact with them, including parents, carers and educators to read through and reflect on their own (or another’s) experience and how this may shape an understanding of themselves and the world around them. Indeed, this book is not just relevant to a high school environment, but is particularly applicable to teenage experience and adolescent years. Therefore, for those not physically in high school (for example, home schooling), the approach is also relevant even though your playground may be extremely different.
The book discusses some of the following topics: the ‘cyber playground’, phone and device use and social media, the changing reality of relationships and the body (i.e. pornography, gender fluidity) and provides various tools to support teenagers in this ever-changing secular society.